Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ricky's NYC Advertising Concept

Ricky's NYC is different from other beauty stores because it has more fun beauty products among other things. But it's missing out on beauty product buyers because it can be seen as too alternative. But, alternative products is what makes it different... see the terrible loop here?

Let's show a beauty shot, but done Ricky's style, but done sophisticated style. Loop closed.

Beyond the image and onto the copy; we want to inspire people to "play" with the products at Ricky's not be told they "need" them. If you "need" something you go to the doctor's office or shop Neutrogena. If you want to "play" you spend money you probably shouldn't to have a fucking good time.

Nordstrom Rack Advertising Concept

Nordstrom Rack just sounds old and uninspiring. 

First there's the name Nordstrom, which makes me think of granny panties and cardigans. Then, there's the lovely addition of Rack, which is harsh, not fun and uninspiring.

Dun duh-duh! In swoops me to spruce up their brand with a fresh, young, feeling so they can get those dollar(s)-spending look-at-me young fashionistas of the world to WANT to go to Nordstom Rack.

Show the people who goes to Nordstrom Rack — cool, fun, hip, stylish, daring beautiful woman. And what these Nordstrom Rack shoppers are for doing so — Beautiful, Brilliant.... 

End with a tagline that ties it all together, PLUS still speaks to the hardworking older demographic who revels in the idea of doing a little something for herself this weekend or after work. She's been behind a desk all day... she deserves it!