Thursday, May 28, 2015

The New Digital Campaign isn't All Digital

Everyone wants their campaigns to be digital nowadays. In pursuing this requests more than a few times now, I've noticed something... 

The Realization
A "digital campaign" doesn't mean executing solely on digital platforms – banners, apps, videos — it means getting ways to get consumers to interact with content digitally... because that's where it gets shown to more people. Showrooming and third screen behavior were the first ways we saw consumers blurring the lines between "digital" and "real" world. Advertising and sharing is surely next.

The Reason
With mobile taking over digital consumption, people are exploring around the web less, clicking less, and are less likely to come across that sweet video you spent $2 million on or that contest landing page you worked for 6 months on (don't even get me started on legal). Have you guys heard of Camel's new game app? Didn't think so.

What to do About It
Find ways to get consumers to share your content or interact with your content on already populated mobile apps. Is there something you can put around town that they will want to take a selfie with? Use the new shazam visual scanner with your posters or sidewalk chalk drawings. Send people to a party where a photo booth tweets their images from their account. Get in touch for more ideas...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What Millennials Don't Know They Want

image via Ed Yourdon
The Fact
Whole Foods is opening smaller stores that will have a more limited selection of products at value prices. Why? To attract millennials.

The Takeaway
Be hard to get, and easy to find.
Why are farmer's markets are so big with this generation? Why are we rushing to music festivals like a teen to a tampon? It offers something that is usually hard to get, but makes it easy to find (locally grown food, experience.) It nearly tricks the shoppers to thinking they are getting something that is hard to get and hard to find, but, by making it easy to find, the shopper is able to obtain it, obviously. So, be or offer something that is usually hard to get, but make it easy to find.

Also, be cheap. Millennials want this hard to find valuable shit at a good price. Good luck.